Lemonade Award

Thank you to The Chickenista for The Lemonade Award. I am flattered and flabbergasted. As per the rules, I am passing on the award to:Holy MackerelemcogNEATO!Healing… Through the Eyes of AutismChickLitGurrl :: high on LATTES and WRITINGKat in New YorkThe Daily BlondeDoggie Talkpsychopomposity.netRGebbiePhoto – A creative journey in artStoried Mind Have a look for yourself.… Continue reading Lemonade Award

Categorized as Awards

Too young to dye

I’ve complained before about how the only hair that seems to shed from my head are the dark ones, not the stray gray ones that have begun showing up. The gray ones I have to pluck myself. That bit of vanity I still have. Well, today it finally happened. Ran my fingers through my hair… Continue reading Too young to dye