erpps, I did it again

I’ve been feeling crappy all week. Tired, never quite alert, runny nose. Attention span of a gnat. Perpetual constipation is my normal state, but lately I’ve been going sometimes twice a day (which is considered normal, by the way, just isn’t my normal). I thought I was coming down with a cold. Figured I better quit eating stuff that’s been sitting in the refrigerator for more than two weeks. Fall is coming – maybe allergies are kicking in. Maybe my eyes are getting tired faster. I haven’t been sleeping well lately. Should probably get myself to an optometrist for an eye exam. Last time I went I was very close to needing bifocals.

I found some old disposable contact lenses of mine. The prescription is about three years out of date, but I figured for computer work they would be okay. I wore a pair on Thursday for the heck of it. I did fine with them until I went out for dinner. Once I left the house, I made myself seasick every time I turned my head or shifted my eye focus too fast. I even started to get carsick sitting in the back seat. I was fine once we settled in the restaurant and I got some food in me. Started to get queasy during the 5-minute ride home. Immediately took out my contacts when I got home and spent the rest of the evening semi-blind.

YESTERDAY scared the crap out of me.

As usual, I get up and put on the glasses that I usually wear for computer work. I’m tired, slightly foggy in the head, nothing unusual. I go to work on my medical transcription training. I start a timed typing test. I couldn’t make my fingers type the right letters. I’ve been touch-typing since I was a teen-ager. I knew I was making mistakes right and left. Oh, and that drives me NUTS! Finally gave up timed typing and went to a lesson. Just had to copy words and do matching exercises to learn jargon and slang. Couldn’t do it. Fingers would not cooperate. I develop a headache and start feeling nauseated. I must need new glasses for close work. I make a mental note to start saving for bifocals. I give up working on the computer. Even checking email was an arduous task.

The day wears on and the symptoms get worse. My head still hurts. I think it’s a caffeine headache, but coffee doesn’t help. My body feels weary. I figure I must get more sleep. I feel woozy, but not quite dizzy. I change my glasses, then give up wearing any corrective lenses. I still feel awful. I don’t want to throw up, but wish I could so the queasiness would go away. Eating doesn’t help. Tea doesn’t help. Water doesn’t help. I’m standing in the kitchen bent over the center island with my hands on my head trying to squeeze out the pain when I suddenly ask myself – when did you take your last Effexor dose? Dang it! I did it again!

I claw my way up the stairs to my Effexor bottle and take 75 mg. Six hours later, after a nap and some dinner, I’m feeling fine.